How Does V work ?


Requirements are of three types:

Same Day Delivery / Across India(But Not SAme Day) / Across the Globe

For SAME DAY DELIVERY, Book your Order Through the "Order" Tab provided at the top of the website or on the SAME DAY BANNER

For PAN India/ International Pick and Drop- Please WhatsApp the details or enter details in the Order form provided in the respective banners


Logistic Partners Used

V is a Service Provider and also a logistic aggregator . V uses third party logistic companies based on requirements

V has its own Delivery boys in certain places in Mumbai like Chembur, Govandi, Vashi etc

V has also tied up with third party logistic companies like WeFast, Delhivery etc to cater to wider areas, where there is high traffic or V doesn’t have it’s own boys

V also accepts orders through WhatsApp when Customers do not have time to place Orders on the Website or have very customised requirements, specific store pick-ups etc

Senior Citizens enjoy privileged services and we request you to WhatsApp the details and Relax Back. We do the Remaining tasks !!

For placing Orders for Pan India / International – Enquiry need to be placed through WhatsApp number provided in the website